Remarkable water mite preparations
conserved at the Museum of Natural History Stockholm

Reinhard Gerecke


    During a stay at Stockholm in the first half of September, 1997 (financed by the DFG) I had the occasion to make an inventory of the collection Lundblad.

    In the following, no mention is made of the slides of Lundblad's general collection which is completely documented in his publications. Of each species in study, Lundblad produced a series of perfect slide preparations and conserved the remaining material completely labeled in monospecific series in glass jars. For each new species, he designated a "Type" and an "Allotype", sometimes also additional (taxonomically insignificant) "Plesiotypes". Only in very few cases there may be doubts on the real taxonomic state of Lundblad's types. However, the lack of the type material of two species described by Lundblad should be mentioned:

    1. Monatractides fissus 3165 (Lundblad 1956a: "Der Typus ist mir leider zur Überprüfung nicht zugänglich" - probably paraphrase for "I have lost the type").
    2. Heteratax falcipes 2871, 3206, 3536, 3538 (lost in mail)
    The principal aim of this report is to compile all non-Lundblad preparations presently conserved at Stockholm. In many cases, the presence of these preparations in Sveden is not self-evident, and the list includes also a conspicuous series of material from other collections that was thought to be lost. Furthermore, all specimens are listed which originate from coll. Koenike (Berlin) and were transferred to Sveden by acquisition.

    Evaluation of the collection after Mc Ginley (1989)

    Level 1, conservation problems.

    "Red flag" problems concern exclusively the preparations which remained uncomplete when Lundblad died (types of his last publication, drawers 628/629). No cases of drying slide media or non decipherable labels were found.

    Level 2, unidentified material, unsorted and effectively inaccessible to research community.

    The following report contains all information necessary for an access to the complete collection.

    Level 3, unidentified material, sorted and effectively accessible to research community.

    There is only very few undetermined material, mainly females or deutonymphs of difficult taxa, probably of low interest to the (stressed) research community. Taxonomically interesting undetermined (unpublished) material is found in drawers 611-613 (S-Africa) and 630/631 (Chile) which contain unpublished material on slides with only cryptic geographic information.

    Level 4, identified material (to species level) not incorporated into general collection, and Level 5, inadequately curated material, not meeting departmental standards.

    No such material present at Stockholm

    Level 6, Physical curation complete, meeting departmental standards

    By far most of the slides and (with the restrictions given for Levels 3 and 4) the whole liquid collection fall within this category.

    Level 7, Physical curation complete, species level inventory complete.

    Using Lundblad's own list (in drawer 627) and the following report, all preps should be to be found easily - apart some little problems with the systematic arrangement in the main collection (sometimes following subgenus level).
    Level 8 and Level 9, label data and research data captured in database
    Reaching these levels is not necessary.

    Need for conservation measurements

    At present, some preparations can be recognised only from their position in a characteristic drawer. Before any changes in positions of slides are made, it is absolutely necessary to label the material in question. This should be done together with labeling of the partly unlabeled material from Java.
    I would propose to integrate the slides presently conserved in the drawers 610-723 into the main colletion.
    The labelling and reorganization of the late Lundblad material could be done most easily and quickly by a water mite taxonomist.

     1. Systematic part

    The list gives genus/species name - name of collection from where the slide derives (not automatically species author!) - drawer number - slide number - remarks, e.g. information on composition of the material: total nr (males/females/deutonymphs/larvae).
    Species names are given in the original form on the labels, without respect to the modern synonymy; the order follows the order within the collection (drawer numbers).

    Hydrovolzia gerhardi - Mitchell -1- no nr - 8 (2/4/0/2)
    Hydrachna scutata - Koenike -4- 859 - M. Liliental 17-7-1906
    Hydrachna schneideri - Koenike -6- 375 - W. Type, 1205 M. Type, 1206 Heiligenrode, 2370 Ostfriesland
    Hydrachna geographica - Neuman -8- 149 - Gotland, 1874 Kinnar
    Hydrachna processifera - Neuman -9- 166 - Gotland Kinnar
    Hydrachna levigata - Koenike -9- 553 - Type
    Hydrachna bimaculata - Koenike -9- 949 - Type
    Hydrachna perpera - Koenike -9- 952 - Type
    Hydrachna regulifera - Koenike -10- 552 - Type
    Hydrachna conjecta - Koenike -14- 549 - Borkum 1894
    Hydrachna distincta - Koenike -14- 555 - Type
    Hydrachna globosa - Koenike -15- 956 - Dn 14.6.1906
    Hydrachna globosa neumani - Neuman -15- 5988 - Gotland Kinnar 1874
    Hydrachna goldfeldi - Goldfeld/Thor? -16- 5971 - vid Kiew Goldfeld 1914
    Hydrachna nova - Marshall -17- 1281 - Paratyp Kina Aug. 1925
    Eylais aurita - Koenike -31- 944 - Type 15.8.1905
    Eylais thienemanni - Koenike -34- 1143 - Type 7.8.98 [?]
    Eylais mülleri - Koenike -34- 531 - Type 26.7.1895
    Eylais undulosa - Koenike -34- 527 - Type VIII 1881
    Eylais bergströmi - Walter -37- 587/88 - F. Type, 589/90 - M. Cotype
    Eylais mutila - Koenike -38- 529 - Type V 1896
    Eylais setosa - Koenike -41- 528 - Type VII 1895
    Eylais tantilla - Koenike -43- 532 - Type V 1895
    Protzia eximia - Koenike -49- 2542 - Rügen 3.4.1911
    Protzia alpina - Walter -50- 6107 - 10.10.1913 Sella 2050 m
    Protzia distincta - Walter -50- 6105 F., 6106 M. - 14.7.1911 d'Arbola 2000 m
    Protzia invalvaris - Viets -51- no nr - Diemel 5.6.1917
    Protzia invalvaris - Walter -51- no nr - Albula 1870 m 2.8.1909
    Calonyx rotundus - Viets -53- no nr - Harz 27.8.1910
    Partnunia steinmanni - Walter -55- 150 - Stavelchod 2200 m, no date
    Partnunia steinmanni - Viets -55- 369 - Vogler "P. simplex"
    Hydryphantes sobrinus - Koenike -64- 1789 Type Borkum
    Hydryphantes toroculus - Koenike -64- 1790 - Type Borkum
    Hydryphantes deludens - Koenike -64- 1791 - Type Borkum
    Hydryphantes solivagus - Koenike -64- 1795 - Type Borkum
    Hydryphantes secoculus - Koenike -64- 1797 - Type Borkum
    Hydryphantes miroculus - Koenike -64- 1798 - Type Borkum
    Hydryphantes crassipalpis - Koenike -64- 1524 - Type Borkum
    Hydryphantes dispar - Neuman -64- 104 - Vitulosberg
    Hydryphantes abnormis - Koenike -64- 1048 - Type 15.7.1907
    Hydryphantes crassirostris - Koenike -64- 1362 - Type 22.7.1910
    Hydryphantes dubius - Koenike -64- 1526 - Type Borkum
    Hydryphantes bucculentus - Koenike -64- 1788 - Type Juist
    Hydryphantes parmulatus - Koenike -65- 1371 - Type Juist
    Hydryphantes bayeri - Neuman -66- 105 - V 1881
    Hydryphantes bayeri - Neuman -67- 6109 - V 1881
    Hydryphantes planus - Koenike - -66- 2636 - Borkum
    Hydryphantes ruber - Neuman -68- 103 -. Västergotland
    Thyas barbigera? - Cook -79- 61151 - Michigan IV-5-51
    Thyas dirempta - Thienemann -80- 5733 - Abisko VI 1936
    Thyas dirempta - Koenike -80- 1124 - Type Borkum
    Thyas pachystoma - Neuman -81- 4000 - 13.6.1875 "Bradybates truncatus"
    Thyas pachystoma paucispina - Viets -81- non nr - Leipzig 6.2.1921
    Thyas pachystoma paucispina - Thienemann -81- 367 - Rügen 18.4.1920
    Thyas vietsi - Piersig/Koenike -81- 1477 - Sachsen Großzschocher?
    Thyas bruzelii - Cook -82- 6116 - Michigan V-1-1951
    Thyas rivalis - Viets -82- 497 - Skane "gransked av Viets"
    Thyas rivalis - Viets -82- no nr - 10.8.22 Born/Plön
    Thyas palustris - Koenike -82- 1532 - Type V 1894
    Thyas muscicola - Walter -83- 699/700 - Dolomiten 1700 m 7.10.1913
    Thyas rivalis muscicola - Thienemann -83- 5810 - Abisko 29.5.1938
    Vietsia scutata - Viets -86- 1317 M. Lersum 9.4.1928
    Panisus thienemanni - Viets -87- no nr - Saßnitz 24.4.23
    Panisus michaeli - Walter -90- 430 - M. juv. Schweiz
    Panisus tridentina - Maglio -90- 6121/6122 - S. Pellegrino 1907
    Thyas prospiciens - Koenike -91- 8119(1119?) - Type 4.6.1895
    Thyas disjuncta - Koenike -91- 1348 - Type San Remo Schweizer
    Thyas clypeolata - Maglio -91- 6123 - Italien leg. C. Maglio (no designation "Type")
    Thyopsis cancellata - Cook -93- 6125 - Michigan III-1-52
    Thyopsis cancellata - Viets -93- no nr - Oldesloe 1924
    Lundbladia feuerborni - Viets -94- 4491 - Cotype Java 9.12.1928
    Lundbladia muscicola - Mitchell -94- 6127-6131 - 5 Paratypes (2/2/0/1)
    Thyas truncata - Koenike -100- 1482 - Oyterdamm/Bremen
    Euthyas truncata - Cook -100- 6035 - Michigan V-5-51
    Thyas dentatus - Cook -101- 6137 - Michigan V-1-51
    Thyas oblonga - Koenike -102- 1158 - Type Rhätikon Sommer 1891
    Thyas koenikei - Walter -102- 6138/39 - Typ Alkajaure
    Thyas curvifrons - Walter -103- 193 - Churerjoch 1000-2000 m
    Thyas curvifrons - Walter -103- 441 - Unt. Bärental 600 m Holdhaus
    Thyas aurita - Koenike -103- 1099 - Type Lunz Scourfield
    Thyas thori - Koenike -103- 1468 - Type Vevey 13.4.1910
    Marshallothyas asopos - Mitchell? -107- 6140 - Paratype VI-17-52
    Thyopsella dictyopora - Mitchell? -107- 6141 - Paratype VI-27-51
    Diplodontus despiciens - Koenike -112- 2130 - Hachtinger See 17.7.1918
    Diplodontus despiciens - Koenike -112- 2131 - Hachtinger See 17.7.1918, Zucht, La.
    Pseudohydryphantes parvulus - Viets -116- no nr - Delme/Bremen 16.5.1911
    Pseudosperchon verrucosus - Koenike -120- 2162 - Westfalen 30.5.1909
    Pseudosperchon verrucosus - Koenike -120- 2540 - Westfalen 30.5.1909
    Pseudosperchon verrucosus - Koenike -120- 2567 - Schwarzwald VI 1901
    Sperchon lineatus - Thor? -121- 6149 - Lappland Sarekfjallen Sefve coll.
    Sperchon brevirostris - Halbert/Koenike -121- 918 - Irland Coharry Halb. coll.
    Sperchon brevirostris - Viets -121- no nr - Harz 2.9.1910
    Sperchon glandulosus - Oliver -122- 5287 - Baffin Island Oliver coll.
    Sperchon multiplicatus - Thor -122- 156 - Sagelo 24.7.1900 coll. Thor
    Sperchon multiplicatus - Sefve -122- 6150-52 - Alo Bruna (SV) 22/27 VII 1914 Sefve coll.
    Sperchon glandulosus thienemanni - Cook -123- 6357/58 - Michigan
    Sperchon rugosus - Koenike -123- 1159 - Typus Glörtalsperre
    Sperchon longissimus - Viets -124- 368/370 & 2 no nr - Harz 30.9.23
    Sperchon mutilus - Walter -124- 6154 - Pordoijoch 9.10.13
    Sperchon montisrosae - Koenike -124- 1174 - Macugnana 1904 Monti
    Sperchon turgidus - Viets -128- 506 - Skane 6.10.1924
    Sperchon clupeifer - Koenike -128- 925 - Schweiz Landshut 18.4.1895
    Sperchon clupeifer - Koenike -128- 2466 - Bremen 15.10.1907
    Sperchon undulosus  - Koenike -128- 1043 - Bremen 20.4.1907
    Sperchon elegans - Thor -129- 165/66 - NOR Boudo 20.5.01 Thor
    Sperchon koenikei - Walter -129- 153 CH Limmat
    Sperchon tenuabilis - Koenike -129- 561 - NIR Roslandsala Thor coll. 30.7.1898
    Sperchon denticulatus - Walter -129- 6162 - Latenbach vid Fusio 1400 m 19.7.1911
    Sperchon denticulatus - Viets -129 - no nr - Tirol Lanbach 26.8.23
    Sperchon hispidus - Koenike -130- 570 - Type Schlesien Zacharias VIII 1892
    Sperchon mitchelli - Cook -130- 6163/64 - Michigan (S. mitchelli Habeeb)
    Sperchon setiger - Thor -131- 164 - Cotyp Joedenen 30.7.1898
    Sperchon setiger - Koenike -131- 1161 - Walsrode 12.8.1907
    Sperchon mirus - Koenike -135- 926 - Type Böhme VII 1901
    Lebertia oblonga - Koenike -149- 1112 - Type Delme 17.4.1908
    Lebertia inversa - Koenike -149 - 1169 - Type Salzuflen 18.2.[?]
    Lebertia cognata - Koenike -150- 581 - Type Parnun 1893
    Lebertia cognata - Koenike -150- 2356/1705 - [no Type] Partnun 1893
    Lebertia sevocata - Koenike -150- 582 - Type Partnun 1893
    Lebertia fimbriata - Thor -151- 431 - Lappland "granskav av Thor 1925"
    Lebertia fimbriata - Viets -152- no nr - 2 preps Harz 16.7.1910
    Lebertia pusilla - Koenike -153- 1167 - Type Böhme 13.8.07
    Lebertia rufipes - Koenike -154- 1674 - Type Lünersee 1893
    Lebertia reticulata - Koenike -154- 1671 - Type Koppenteich Zacharias
    Lebertia impennata - Koenike -154- 1680 - Type Gafiensee 1892
    Lebertia pavesii - Koenike/Monti -154- 807 - [no Type] Kastelsee Monti ges.
    Lebertia paradoxa - Viets -154- no nr - Lunz 27.9.1909
    Lebertia westfalica - Koenike -155- 1699 - Type Westfalen 27.9.1909
    Lebertia subtilis - Koenike -155- 631 M., 632 W. - Type Filisuna 4.9.1890
    Lebertia porosa - Thor -156- 428 - Varde 15.6.1918 "granskad av Thor 1925"
    Lebertia porosa - Viets -157- no nr - Radau Harz 30.8.1910
    Lebertia pachydermis - Koenike -157- 55 - Type Heiligenrode 7.8.1905
    Lebertia rivalis - Koenike -157 - 1744 - Type Heiligenrode 16.4.1915
    Lebertia seclusa - Koenike -157- 1264 - Type Kattrepel 20.4.1907
    Lebertia insignis - Koenike -158- 1312/1758/2497 - Bremen
    Lebertia exuta - Koenike -159- 50 - Type Delme 23.10.1907
    Lebertia luminosa - Koenike -159 - 57 - Type Heiligenrode 7.8.1905
    Lebertia circularis - Viets [!] - Koenike -159- 1739 - Cotype Bremen 7.6.1911
    Lebertia anellata - Koenike -164- 1121 - Type Westfalen 1.6.1908
    Lebertia lineata - Thor -164- 431/437/442 - Danmark Allinge 23.9.1924 "granskad av Thor"
    Lebertia lineata - Walter -164- 864 - Moens Klint 20.9.1925 "granskad av Walter"
    Lebertia tuberosa - Viets -165- no nr - Harz 26.7.1921
    Lebertia oculata - Koenike -165- 1666 - Type CH Kunolfingen 26.5.1910
    Lebertia salebrosa - Koenike -165- 89 - Glombach 12.12.1907
    Lebertia granulosa - Koenike -165- 1120 - Haspetalsperre 1.6.1908
    Lebertia brevipora - Walter [calligraphy] -165- 6173-76 - Sarek 12.8.1911
    Lebertia zschokkei - Viets -166- no nr - Wattental 27.8.23
    Lebertia inalpina - Koenike -166- 1604 - Partnun Herbst 1891
    Lebertia maculosa - Koenike - 166- 643 - Partnun [no date]
    Lebertia contracta - Walter [calligraphy] -167- 6177/78 - Sarek 30.7.1911
    Lebertia cuneifera - Viets -167- no nr - Lunz 1923
    Lebertia aberrata - Viets -167- 376 - Vogler 25.8.1920& 2 preps no nr 20.7.1920
    Lebertia lativentris - Viets -167 - no nr - Harz 17.5.21
    Lebertia dubia - Thor -168- 204 - Smaland 15.6.1923 "granskad av Thor"
    Lebertia plicata - Koenike -168- 557 - Type Seeland 27.7.1895
    Lebertia fallens - Koenike -168- 1724 - Type Versetalsperre 16.9.09
    Lebertia densa - Koenike -168- 629 - Type Lauenburg
    Lebertia densa - Koenike -168- 1649 - Cotype Harburg
    Lebertia solida - Koenike -168- 53 - Type Harburg
    Lebertia halberti - Koenike -169- 628 - Type Dartrey 17.10.1899
    Lebertia duricoria - Koenike -169- 93 - Type Glörtalsperre 26.2.1908
    Lebertia marginata - Viets -170- no nr - Harzburg 21.10.1910
    Lebertia hofsteni - Walter [calligraphy] -172- 6183/84 Typ N-Schweden
    Lebertia primitiva - Walter [calligraphy] -172- 6182/83 Typ N-Schweden
    Lebertia complexa - Viets -176- no nr, 2 preps - Harz 16.5.1921/30.9.1923
    Lebertia complexa nodosa - Viets -176- no nr - Harz 2.10.21
    Lebertia sefvei - Thienemann -177- 5199 - Skane 5.7.1926
    Lebertia sefvei - Viets -177- no nr - Thüringen 8.7.23
    Lebertia expansa - Thor -177- 208 - Smaland "granskad av Thor 1925"
    Lebertia tenuicollis - Viets -178- no nr - Harz 15.5.21
    Oxus nodigerus - Thienemann -182- 5796 - Lappland Juni 1936
    Oxus nodigerus - Koenike -182- 1032 - Type Borkum Sommer 1895
    Oxus ovalis - Koenike -183- 2456 - Elbing Zacharias 1886
    Oxus tenuisetis - Viets -184- no nr - Schlesien Reinerz 2.6.22
    Frontipoda musculus - Koenike -186- 1028 - Holstein 15.8.1895
    Frontipoda musculus - Koenike -186- 2510 - Bremen 26.9.1907
    Gnaphiscus setosus - Walter -187- 6188-90 - Sarek Juli 1911
    Gnaphiscus setosus - Walter -187- 6189/99 - Schweiz
    Gnaphiscus setosus - Viets -187- no nr - Harz 6.8.10
    Gnaphiscus ekmani - Thor -187- 5934 - Dalarna 4.7.1918 "granskad av Thor"
    Gnaphiscus occidentalis - Oliver -187- 5286 - Baffin Island 1956
    Atractides amplexus - Koenike -189- 98 - "Type"[skrips. Lundblad] Varrelbach 11.4.1906
    Atractides amplexus - Koenike -189- 2116 - Oldenburg 23.10.1907
    Atractides anomalus - Piersig/Koenike -190- 1534 - Thüringen Oesterland Dr. Piersig ges.
    Atractides ellipticus - Viets -194- 375 - Vogler Aug. 20
    Pseudotorrenticola rhynchota - Viets -211- no nr - Harz Kellwasser 17.5.1921
    Drammenia elongata - Viets -213- no nr - 2 preps Holstein Plön 10.8.22
    Limnesia undulata - Marshall -219- 6206 - Brit. Columbia 1922 Marshall coll.
    Limnesia undulata - Koenike -219- 2429/30 - Bremen 3.10.1907
    Limnesia koenikei - Koenike -221- 877 - Seeland 29.7.1895
    Limnesia koenikei - Koenike [!] -221- 880 - Canada Tyrrell coll. 27.7.1893
    Limnesia koenikei - Walter -221- 6210/11 - 4waldstätter See 31.1.1912 Walter coll.
    Limnesia columbica - Marshall -223- 6213 - "Topotip" Brit. Columbia Marsh. coll. 1922
    Limnesia fulgida - Koenike -225- 2563 - Bremen 26.9.1907
    Limnesia fulgida - Koenike -225- 2522 - Bremen 15.7.1907
    Limnesia connata - Koenike -225- 2539 - Bremen 20.4.1907
    Limnesia connata - Koenike -225- 876 - Seeland 30.7.1895
    Limnesia aspera - Koenike -239- 2380 - Paratype M. Nossi-Bé VIII 1895
    Limnesia aspera - Koenike -239- 2381 - Paratype W. Nossi-Bé VIII 1895
    Centrolimnesia geniculata - "Mitchell coll'n" -248- 6220/6221 - Sta. Caterina Brazil Plaumann coll. [!]
    Tyrrellia ovalis - Mitchell -251- 6222-6226 - Deefield Mich. 8-1-52
    Tyrrellia hibbardi - Mitchell -251- 6227/28 - Kans. Wolf Canyon 6-24-53
    Hygrobates calliger - Viets -254- no nr - 2 preps Harz 26.7.1911
    Hygrobates naicus - Koenike -256- 2143 - Delme Zucht Larven + Eier
    Hygrobates naicus - Koenike -256- 2144-46 - Heiligenrode 7.8.1905
    Hygrobates albinus - Thor -257- 6237/38 - Himandalsbaek 25.7.1899 leg. Thor
    Hygrobates longipalpis - Koenike -259- 2149 Heiligenrode Zucht VIII 1906
    Hygrobates longipalpis - Koenike -259- 2529-31 Torfkanal Bremen
    Hygrobates prosiliens - Koenike -259- 1741 - Type Heiligenrode 16.4.1915
    Hygrobates neoctoporus - Marshall -260- 6248 - "Topotyp" Alaska 1922 leg. Marshall
    Hygrobates trigonicus - Koenike -264- 1070 - Schlesien Schlaupilz Knauthe
    Australiobates schusseni - Besch -271- 6253- Rio Valdivia 3.7.59 RV12 CXCIII
    Megapus curvisetus - Koenike -294- 1144 - Type Westfalen Thienemann 18.8.1908
    Atractides gibberipalpis - Koenike -295- 2156 - Kollerngraben 26.9.10
    Atractides gibberipalpis - Viets -295- no nr - Harzburg Radau 25.9.1910
    Megapus lundbladi - Halik -297- 6255-57 - Typus M. 2 Cotypes F.F. Kilimandjaro 3870m 3.9.1931
    Megapus nodipalpis - Koenike -298- 2528 - M. Walsrode 19.7.1911
    Megapus nodipalpis - Koenike -299- 2541 - Dn Westfalen Thienem. 30.9.09
    Megapus nodipalpis - Thor -299- 5002 M., 5003, 6269 F.F. - NOR Grotboek M., Broerum F.F. leg. Thor
    Megapus nodipalpis fonticola - Viets -300- no nr - Syntyp? Ratzeburg 15.4.1919 F.
    Megapus ovalis - Koenike -302- 6272 - Bremen Habenhausen 11.6.1892 F. leg. et det. Koenike
    Megapus ovalis - Koenike -302- 1858 Hannover Wörpe 17.7.1906 Koenike ges.
    Megapus panniculatus - Viets -302- no nr - Wattental 27.8.1923
    Megapus pavesii - Koenike -302- 887 - Heidkruger Bach Viets leg. 14.5.1906
    Megapus subasper - Koenike -305- 587 M. 591 F. - Type Böhme Müller coll. VII 1901
    Megapus vaginalis - Walter -306- 6376 - CH Quellbach Partnunsee 28.7.1911
    Atractides octoporus - Viets -308- no nr - Diemel 15.3.1918
    Atractides octoporus - Koenike -308- 2526 - Westfalen Thienemann 18.3.1909
    Atractides polyporus - Viets -308- 373/74 - Vogler 25.8.1920
    Unionicola formosa - D & W [?] -312- 6277/78 - 20 min. N of Parrybound [?] 9.9.52 Anodonta
    Unionicola bonzi - Koenike -313- 1553 - Bremen 20.9.1890 Unio
    Unionicola inusitata - Koenike -313- 1341 - Type Bremen Kuhsiel 10.6.1911
    Unionicola tricuspis - Koenike -313 - 1088/1090 - Type Bremen 20.9.1890 Bivalve
    Unionicola intermedia - Koenike -313- 2182 - Larve Bremen 1.7.1908 Anodontites
    Unionicola wolcotti - Mitchell -319- 6285/86 - M./W. Chelsea 5-30-53
    Unionicola crassipes - Koenike -320- 2291/2294 - M./W. Bremen 13.10.1907
    Unionicola gracilipalpis - Koenike -321- 1429 - Ostfriesland Leege coll. 6.8.1910
    Neumania vernalis - Koenike -331- 792 - Seeland 1895
    Neumania vernalis - Koenike -331- 413 - Bremen 19.9.1891
    Neumania sinuata - Koenike -331- 1780 - Type Bremen Graubke 26.9.1907
    Neumania limosa - Koenike -332- 799, 2204 - Schweiz Steck coll.
    Neumania limosa - Walter -332- 6306 - 4waldstätter See 7.3.1912 Walt. coll.
    Neumania callosa - Viets -333- no nr - Selenter See 14.8.1918
    Neumania agilis - Koenike -335- 1779 - Type Leuchtenburg 27.8.1915
    Neumania imitata - Koenike -335- 35 - Type Delme 23.10.1907
    Neumania verrucosa - Koenike -335- 1094 - Type Lauterbach Knauthe V 1894
    Koenikea concava Wolc. - Marshall -343- 1944/45 - Illinois/Wisconsin Marsh. det.
    Koenikea haldmani Viets - Marshall -343- 1946 - Wisconsin Marshall det.
    Koenikea indistincta - Marshall -343- 2430 - Paratype Yucatan 17.6.1932
    Tanaognathus spinipes - Wolcott -377- 1947/48 Typen?`Illinois coll. Wolcott
    Koenikea marshallae - Marshall -378- 1940-1942, 2297, 2302 - Wisconsin det. Marsh.
    Ecpolus tuberatus - Koenike -383- 2630 - Nossi Bé 27.8.1895
    Feltria composita - Thor -386- 6328 - Cotype NOR Thomaseleven 31.7.1897
    Feltria composita - Koenike -386- 2634 - W. CH Hasliberg coll. Walter
    Feltria circularis - Koenike -386- 2133 - W. Westfalen Thienemann
    Feltria minuta - Viets -386- no nr - Lisum Tirol 27.8.23
    Feltria connata - Koenike -386- 601 - Type Schwarzwald [...]kinzen VI 1901
    Hydrochoreutes ungulatus - Koenike -391- 2303 - Bremen Ochtum 3.10.1907
    Piona busca - Neuman -397- 3998 - Neotyp Gotland 13.6.1875 coll. Neuman
    Acercus ornatus - Koenike -397- 2523 - Bremen Stadtwerder 15.6.05
    Acercus ornatus - Koenike -397- 2284 - Bremen Graveland, Zucht, 25.5.13
    Acercus scaurus - Koenike -397- 547 - Lüneburger Heide 5.10.1882
    Acercus scaurus - Koenike -397- 1191 - Schweden Dr. Neuman coll.
    Tiphys oliveri Habeeb - Oliver -397- 5290 M. 5291 W. - Baffin Island 12.7.1956
    Piona lapponica - Neuman -397- 5004 - Typ Lappland Koikkjokk
    Piona flavescems - Neuman -400- 3999 - Neotyp Gotland 13.6.1885
    Pionacercus leuckarti - Koenike -401- 750 M., 756 F. - CH Steck coll.
    Pionacercus uncinatus - Koenike -401- 229 -Type M. Oldenburg
    Piona (Nesaea) pusilla - Koenike -405- 3997 - Neotyp Öland VII 1875
    Piona rotundoides -Walter -405- 6355/56 Kalakjaure 31.VII.1911
    Piona disparilis - Walter -406- 6357 M., 6358 F. - Austria Lunz 29.7.1921
    Piona spinulosa - Wolcott? coll. Johansen! -406- 135 - Canada nära Ottawa 1918
    Piona coccinoides - Thor -407- 6362/6365 - Syntypen? NOR Gudbrandsdal 20.8.1899
    Piona coccinoides - Thor -407- 6364 - Syntyp? NOR Sydvarranger 26.7.1897
    Piona nodata - Koenike -408- 241 - Mecklenburg Dröscher 1888
    Piona laminata - Thor -411- 5882 - Cotyp NOR Finmarken 25.7.1900
    Piona ambigua - Thienemann -411- 5962/64 - Smaland Aneboda 16.7.1926
    Piona ambigua - Thienemann -411- 5819 - Abisko Nuolja VI 1936
    Piona carnea - Koenike -412- 6380 - M./F. Ostermarsch 5.9.1910 Koen. coll.
    Piona carnea - Koenike -412- 2561 - M. Graubke 26.9.07 Koen. coll.
    Piona alpina - Neuman -412- 6382 - Cotyp Lappland Krikkjakk "syn. zu carnea"
    Piona longipalpis - Koenike -412- 2424/2551 Bremen 29.8./23.9.1907
    Piona coccinea - Koenike -413- 1587 - Bremen Ochtum 20.9.1913
    Piona coccinea - Koenike -413- 1588 - Bremen Arsten 27.9.1913
    Piona coccinea - Koenike -413- 2543 - Bremen Kattenesch 3.10.1913
    Piona bröjais [?] - Koenike -413- 1136 - Type Westfalen Thienemann 26.5.1908
    Piona stjördalensis - Thor -414- 230 F. 6392 M. Cotype NOR Stjördalselv. 18.8.1900
    Piona coccinea confertipora - Walter -414- 6393 - Syntype? Dombes 30 V 1926
    Piona uncata - Soar? -417- no nr - "more acetabula than usual Lancashire Balsam 1900"
    Piona controversiosa - Taverner -418- 6408 - H. Taverner Frensbury park note 725 ov., 142 P"
    Piona controversiosa - Piersig -418- 261 - Juist Mai 1891 Leege
    Piona caligifera - Koenike -419- 2378/79 - Paratypen M./F. Madagaskar Majunga V 1892
    Piona neumani - Koenike -425- 42 M. - Type Michaelsstein 28.7.1881
    Piona neumani - Koenike -425- 1443 F. - Michaelsstein 28.7.1881
    Piona conglobata - Koenike -430- 2128/2562 - Bremen Werderland 26.9.07
    Piona conglobata - Koenike -430- 2300 - Oldenburg 15.8.1905
    Piona conglobata conjugula - Koenike -430- 913 - Seeland 22.7.1895
    Nesaea punctata - Neuman -430- 3996 - Neotyp Gotland Flavinge VI 1875
    Piona distermina - Koenike -430- 896 - Type F. Seel[and ... undecipherable] Koen.
    Piona distermina - Koenike -430- 900 - Type M. Seeland [...] Teich Koen. leg. 26.7.95
    Forelia cetrata - Koenike -433- 66 - Type F. CH Landshut Steck coll. 6.4.1894
    Forelia parmata - Koenike -435- 2400 - Type M. Zwischenahner Meer 14.8.1910
    Forelia parmata - Koenike -435- 2407 - Dn. Zwischenahner Meer 14.8.1910
    Pseudofeltria scutigera - Viets -436- no nr - Harz Altenau 3.10.21
    Brachypoda versicolor - Koenike -441- 2121/2279 - Bremen 9.10./21.9.07
    Brachypoda versicolor - Koenike -441- 1213 - Oldenburg 10.8.08
    Brachypoda modesta - Koenike -441- 1140 - Type Bremen Wumme 27.10.08
    Axonopsis complanata - Koenike -443- 1886 - Seeland 29.07.1895
    Axonopsis gracilis - Koenike -443- 1537 - Westfalen 9.9.1909 Theinemann
    Barbaxonella ovalis - E.Angelier -445- 6423 - M. Cérou/Carmeaux VII 59
    Vietsaxona lunbladi - Gledhill -445- 6424-26 - M./2 F.F. Ambleside 26 IV 60
    Laversia berulophila - Cook -446- 6427/28 - Paratypes M./F. Michigan VI 27 51
    Ljania macilenta - Koenike -447- 1137 - Type Glörbach 30.5.1908
    Ljania bipapillata - Viets -447 - no nr, 2 preps - M.,F. Vogler 20.7.20
    Aturus scaber - Koenike -465- 616 - F. Heiligenbeil Protz coll.
    Aturus asserculatus - Koenike -465- 2631/2632/2383 - F., 2 Dn, CH Schwendlenbach 1.6.1910
    Aturus asserculatus serratus - Viets -465- 378/79 - M./F. Vogler Aug. 1920
    Aturus amabilis - Koenike -465- 2633 - F. Kanada Dr. Tyrrell ges.
    Aturus natangensis - Viets -467- no nr - F. O-Preussen Fellermühle IX 1900 [Protz?]
    Aturus natangensis - Halík -467- 6434-6437 - 3 M. Brevnicky Vlkovsko [+ 1 unprepared in vial]
    Aturus intermedius - Halík -467- 6438-6440 - 3 M. Brevnicky Vlkovsko
    Aturus acadiensis - Mitchell -469- no nr - Michigan 9-2-50
    Aturus aulix - Mitchell -469- no nr - YT Chittenden VIII 28 54
    Aturus deceptor - Mitchell -469- 6441 - Michigan Lake Co. 9-2-50
    Aturus estellae - Mitchell -469- 6444 - M. Mich. Lake Co. VI.8. Cook & Mitch. leg.
    Aturus estellae - Mitchell -469- 6445 - F. Ark. Crooked Creek VIII 30 49
    Kongsbergia materna - Viets -474- no nr - F. Rohra 5.4.1914 Thienemann
    Midea orbiculata - Koenike -478- 2506 - M. Oldenburg 23.10.1907
    Midea orbiculata - Koenike -478- 2152 - Lv Zucht Oberneuland 1.4.07
    Midea orbiculata - Koenike -478- 2527 - F. Schweriner See Dröscher VII 88
    Mideopsis orbicularis - Koenike -480- 13 - CH Steck coll. 2.4.1894
    Mideopsis crassipes - Viets -480- no nr - Bremen Torfkanal 20.10.07
    Horreolanus orphanus - Mitchell -486- no nr, 2 preps - Paratypes M./F. - Illinois Farrmont 5 26 52
    Xystonotus reelfootensis - Clayton -488- 6453 M.,6454 F. - Tennessee C.Clayton Hoff
    Mideopsis willmanni - Viets -489- 377 - F. Holstein 22.5.1923
    Acalyptonotus violaceus - Oliver -491- 5285 - Baffin Island 7.7.1956
    Arrenurus fonticolus - Viets -511- 371 M., 372 F. - Holstein Plön 10.8.1922
    Arrenurus nodosus - Koenike -512- 568 - Type Seeland 29.7.1895
    Arrenurus simplex - Koenike -512- 709 - Type Seeland 31.7.1895
    Arrenurus regulator - Thienemann -513- 5651 - Abisko Juli 1937
    Arrenurus castaneus - Neuman -514- 5728 - M./F. Björkelund leg. Neuman
    Arrenurus truncatellus - Koenike -514- 10 - Schlesien Knauthe V 94
    Arrenurus madei - Koenike -515- 965 - Type Holstein Godau 5.8.1895
    Arrenurus pugionifer - Koenike -516- 1005 - Type Schlesien Knauthe V 94
    Arrenurus bifidicodulus - Koenike -517- 2554 - Bremen Kattenesch 5.10.07
    Arrenurus bifidicodulus - Koenike -517- 2571 - Bremen Hasenbüren 28.7.05
    Arrenurus integrator - Koenike -517- 2619/2620/2545 - M., 2 F.F. Bremen Graubke 26.9.07
    Arrenurus integrator - Koenike -517- 2239 - M. Bremen Odelshausen 5.9.07
    Arrenurus sinuator - Koenike -518- 2495 - M. Bremen Hollerdeich 15.10.07
    Arrenurus sinuator - Koenike -518- 2287 - F. Bremen Niederblockland 12.9.1915
    Arrenurus bifidicodulus - Koenike -519- 2612/698 - M./F. Seeland 18.7./2.8.1895
    Arrenurus obliquus - Koenike -520- 2621/2622 - M./F. Madagaskar 11./14.8.95
    Arrenurus planipalpis - Koenike -520- 2623/2624 - M./F. Madagaskar VI 1893
    Arrenurus plenipalpis - Koenike -521- 2375-77 - Paratypes 2 M.M., F. Djabala See VIII 1895
    Arrenurus globator - Koenike -523- 2335/2457 - M./F. Bremen 17.7.1918
    Arrenurus globator - Koenike -523- 2558 - M. Bremen 3.10.1907
    Arrenurus buccinator - Koenike -523- 2065a/b - M./F. Plön Parnass 16.8.1895
    Arrenurus conicus - Koenike -524- 2644 - "Type" Rügen Thienem. 3.IV.1911
    Arrenurus lapponicus - Thienemann -525- 5825 - Abisko 2.6.1938
    Arrenurus mülleri - Koenike -525 - 969 - Bremen Viets leg 21.9.1906
    Arrenurus cylindratus - Koenike -527- 2552 - CH Steck coll. 5.5.1895
    Arrenurus megalurus - Marshall -528- 1344 - "Plesiotyp" Haiti Bond coll.
    Arrenurus megalurus - Marshall -528- 1345 - New Haven Hutchinson coll. 1929
    Arrenurus megalurus - Marshall -528- 1346,1347,1382,1383 - Wisconsin Marsh. coll. 1906-1913
    Arrenurus marshallae - Marshall -528- 1379/1380/1381 - Wisconsin Mirror Lake 9.2.1913
    Arrenurus birgei - Marshall -529- 1341 - "Plesiotyp" Haiti 16.2.33 Bond
    Arrenurus birgei - Marshall -529- 1342/43 - Wisconsin Mirror Lake det. R. Marshall
    Arrenurus albator - Koenike -548- 2636/2285 - M./F. Bremen 23.9.1907/24.6.1886
    Arrenurus crassipetiolatus - Koenike -549- 2238/2544 - M./F. Bremen 5./26.09.07
    Arrenurus bruzelii - Koenike -551- 2537 - Bremen 3.10.07
    Arrenurus viridis - Koenike -552- 1597 - F. Seeland 3.8.1895
    Arrenurus viridis - Koenike -552- 2369 - M. Bremen 17.7.1918
    Arrenurus maculator - Koenike -552- no nr, M./F. on one slide - M. Seeland 3.8.1895, F. Bremen 7.3.1906
    Arrenurus maculator - Koenike -552- 2537/2566 - F./M. Bremen 5.9.1907
    Arremurus claviger - Koenike -553- 2614/15,2069/71 - 2 M.M., 2 F.F. Ostfriesland 6.8.1910
    Arrenurus batillifer - Koenike -553- 392/2613 - Seeland 24./26.7.1895
    Arrenurus batillifer - Koenike -553- 2538 - Bremen 3.10.1907
    Arrenurus compactus - Koenike -553- 2611 - CH Steck coll. 13.7.1894
    Arrenurus crassicaudatus - Koenike -554- 2361 - Bremen 17.7.1918
    Arrenurus tetracyphus - Koenike -555- 2628 - Westpreussen Gnochower See Protz
    Arrenurus lundbladi - Halík -555- 3594 - Taiping 26.6.1929 Baum
    Arrenurus fimbriatus - Koenike -555- 2618 - M. Bremen 17.8.1889
    Arrenurus fimbriatus - Koenike -555- 2502 - M. Holstein 20.8.1895
    Arrenurus cuspidifer - Koenike -555- 2616 - M. Borkum Schneider 1894
    Arrenurus cuspidifer - Koenike -555- 2617 - F. Juist Leege 1898
    Arrenurus latus - Koenike -556- 2620 - Hannover VII 1889
    Arrenurus rudiferus - Koenike -556 - 2627 - Madagaskar Mora[...] VI 1893

     2. Non-systematic part of the slide collection (following the numeration of the drawers)

    582-609 empty
    610 Afrika: Limnesia lucifera, macropora; Piona angulata; Piona, Neumania, Oxus, Eylais indet. Gambia Kenya; List "Miss Jenkins afrikanska 1929"
    611 S Africa, coll. G.A. Ranger. Limnesia lucifera, Arrenurus capensis, Subkoenikea capensis, Arrenurus glenifferensis, A. meridionalis, indet., only partly labelled. Collecting site of the whole material "Kai Road"
    612 E Africa. Arrenurus chrisoneensis, Neumania hutchinsoni, Limnesia walteri, L. africana - partly lacking collecting site label. List of diagnostic differences N. hutchinsoni-N.circumcincta
    613 "Cape Town Mus." with a species list, preps only provisonally labeled: Piona tridens, Arrenurus sp. Hydrachna sp., Eylais sp., Cyclothrix tenuiscutata (with remarks concerning C. crinita), Limnesia africana, Capeylais crassipalpis
    614 empty
    615 "Colombia I" Hydrodroma gracilipes Typ, Atractides schadei, Neotorrenticola [...] 3944, Arrenurus F., Hygrobatella, Octothyas (without coll. site), Neoatractides inactus, Atractides colmubianus.
    616 "Motas & Halik" 3 unlabelled slides and a vial with numerous specimens, a label placed in the nearness "Placothyopsis fibulata Typexemplaren"; 8 vials from Bohemia coll. Halik, containing: Aturus comatus, A. natangensis, Torrenticola dudichi, T. brevirostris, Piersigia intermedia, Partnunia steinmanni, Sperchon longissimus.
    617 N-Amerika Baffin Island coll. Hutchinson: Acalyptonotus violaceus (latus), Lebertia sp., Gnaphiscus orientalis, Neobrachypoda ekmani poweri, Gnaphiscus occidentalis, Tiphys oliveri, Hygrobates foreli, Sperchon glandulosus (larvae), Piona coccinoides baffinensis, Zschokkea oblonga koenikei (+ note concerning loan of Mideopsis rosea, fibrosa, lamellipalpis)
    618 "Obestämbara": Arrenurus, Neumania, Limnesia, Piona, Eylais, mainly F.F. from Afrika; Eylais haliki n. sp., Aturus truncatus n. sp.
    619 Heteroptera
    620 "Holm 7" Megapus valididens, Meg. ugandensis, Atractides M., Piona F. Uganda, some with unclear collcting site indication
    621 "Sydamerika" probably slides prepared for re-labelling after changed determination, new names: Koenikea pectinifera convexa, haitiana, ambilis, similis, retractidens, elegans; Hydrachna miliaria; Limnesia minuscula, latogenitalis; Arrenurus longisetus; Neotyrrellia sp.; Rhynchohydracarus testudo.
    622 "Obestämbara fr. Sydamerika": females of Neumania, Unionicola, Krendowskia, Aturus, Hygrobates, Miraxona, Piona, Arrenurs, Koenikea, with povisorical labelling, accompained by list of collecting sites
    623-626 empty
    627 Species list coll. Lundblad, coll. Koenike Stockholm
    628 "Mallorca" Eylais balearica, [...?] calliger, Torrenticola gomerae, numerated but lacking labels
    629 "Kamerun": sheet of paper with text concerning "Kamerunhispisdosperchon". Slides without collecting site and species labels, but with prep. numbers referring to Lundblads last publication - one slides labeled "Eupatrina n. g."
    630 "Kuschel I" Chile, only collecting site numbers on slides, taxonomic identification sometimes not decipherable: Corticacarus kuscheli, C. sp., Rhynchodydracarus n.sp.?, H. puberula s.str., H. puberula paucispina, Flabell., Notosperch. kuscheli
    631 "Kuschel II" Heteraxonopsis dentipes n.g., Miraxonides 3 F.F.
    632-634 empty
    635 "Sverige" Eylais, Piona, Arrenurus indet., Sperchon tenuipalpis Koen. Type 460 Tyrrell leg. (heavily damaged), Pseudofeltria scutigera Smaland
    636-642 empty
    643 "Obestämbara" [....?] Arrenurus, Forelia
    644 "Skola etiketteräs": Soldanellonyx lacustris Type (no further information on slide!), Hydrachna, Eupatra from Srinegar, Thyas from Sveden, Arrenurus segrigi [?], Gnaphiscus setosus ekmani, F.z. albinus, ...[?]
    645 empty
    646 Heteroptera
    647-710 empty
    711 "Frän Cook": Paratypes of Axonopsis abnormipes M., Mamersa petrophila M., Lethaxona panduvarna M., Khedacarus platypes F., Javalbia antarma M., Kawamuracarus polyporus F., Nicalimnesia andha M.F., Neumania ulbana M., Subaxonopsalbia pectinifera M., Navamamersides karekari F., Bharatonia vietsi M., Bharatohydracarus imamurai M.F., Torrenticola parvatiya, Neoaxonopsis mitchelli M., Platymamersopsis similis M., P. mysorensis F., Africasia subterranea M., Hungarohydracarus szalayi M., Bharatohydracarus elongatus M.F., Tiramideopsis ovalis M.F.
    712 "Gäva av Mitchell" Hygrobates indet. 4/4/0 Allgany Co N.Y.
    713 "Sunda Thienemann" Limnesia bakeri 1/2/0; Atractides macrognathus 0/2/0, A. m. major 1/1/0. "Kamboniti": Torrenticola semisuta Hab., Torrenticola ? F.
    714 "Java I" Lundbladia feuerborni F. Javathyas triumvirorum 3/2/2, Neothyas hygropetrica M., Alloptyp F.?, Teratothyas reticulata 8
    715 "Java II" Ctenothyas verrucosa 2, Hydrodroma rheophila 2, Sperchonopsis verrucosa 4, Sperchon cornutus 3, Sp. cornutoides 3, Sp. inaequipalpis 2, Dartonia caerulea 3, Dartoniella crassipalpis 2, Mamersella thienemanni 4, Mamersides ruttneri 3, Torrenticola occulta 1
    716 "Java III" Torrenticola minuta, pugionirostris, curvirostis, tetraporam tjiwalensis, convexipalpis (dubia), longidens
    717 "Java IV" Torrenticola circularis, kyphophora (javanensis), oxystoma, hamata, parviventris (dissimilis)
    718 "Java Va" Torrenticola macropora, macrognaths, longiventris, transversalis, longiuscula
    719 "Java Vb" Torrenticola rosea, parva, landbergi, luteus, amabilis, magnipharynx (rostrata), apratina insulana, synapta (luchti)
    720 "Java VI" Limnesia papillosa javanica, Hygrobates hamatus (bharatensis), Atractides angulipalpis, bisulcus, spatiosus, conjunctus mollis, neoclipeatus, conjunctellus (landbergi), oudemansi
    721 "Java VII" Forelia gyrophora, Axonopsalbia hexaporoides, Sumatralbia rugosa, Javalbia elliptica, punya, Albaxona stoka javanica, Axonopsis baumi, gracilipalpis, mediolutea
    722 "Java VIII" Albia minutissima, Albiella nesiotes, Javanella crassipes, Momonides trabecularis, landbergi, Aturus obtusisetus distans, Kongsbergia praegracilis, crassipalpis, dentipes, K. torrenticola longiseta, K. torrenticola javanica
    723 "Java IX" Kongsbergia similis, sp.; Bharatohydracarus insularis, Africasia insulana
    724-762 empty
    763-771 insects
    772 longitudinal and transversal sections of Panisus, Sperchon squamosus, Arrenurus globator, A. mediorotundatus, A. caudatus, A. neumani, Rivobates norvegicus
    773 insects
    774-776 empty.

    3. Fluid collection

    1. As far as not monted on slides, the complete material published by Lundblad is perfectly conserved in monospecies-tubes, sorted for genera and/or geograpic regions.
    2. One jar contains specimens from coll. Sokolow: Thermohydracarus thermobius, Piona gyrophora, Arrenurus nassonowi F., Neumania angulata, Lebertia stackelbergi saxicola, Hygrobates squamifer, Sperchon glandulosus. The jar is accompained by a much longer list of species "Förteckning på hydracariner från Sokolow i mars 1935". The whereabouts of the remaining species is unclear.
    3. "Hydracarina, received 1949 from the Evertebrate department": undetermined material collected in Siberia 1876-1931, ca. 30 tubes with complete collecting site labels, < 100 mites.
    Lundblad, O. (1956a): Zur Kenntnis süd- und mitteleuropäischer Hydrachnellen. Ark. Zool. 10 (1): 1-306
    McGinley, R.J. (1989): Entomological Collection Management - Are we really managing? Insect Coll. News, 2 (2): 19-27